UBEO research groups are part of a number of inter-institutional and international grant projects. Long-term collaborations are carried out within defined programmes and development projects.
UBEO is co-founder and participates in several consortia:
Together with the Neurooncology and Neurosurgery Clinic of the 1st Faculty of Medicine and UVN, it forms the Neurooncology Centre of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.
The UBEO includes the Theranostic Laboratory, a joint workplace of the 1st Faculty of Medicine and the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS
UBEO is a co-founder of the nationwide Neurooncology Section of the Czech Society of Neurooncology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
National Institute for Cancer Research Exceles, LX22NPO5102 as a part of Czech Recovery Plan
EATRIS, a consortium focusing on innovative laboratory research in translational medicine as a part of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001818
LBNB has been involved in several collaborative PhD student projects with teams from Universite Sorbonne, University of Warsaw and University of Milan and is a co-organiser of the EU Against Cancer International Summer School (https://4euplus-againstcancer.icm.edu.pl/)